Okay, it's been a busy month and I finally got around to finishing my knitting bag, taking a picture and posting. The pattern is actually a combination of several and I am still considering adding eyelets for the strap and a snap. Not a great pic as I ran out early this am and the sun isn't at the back of the house yet, but you can probably tell that I have already filled it.
I am also learning the blogging ropes, i.e. how to get people to read my blog, how to create links, how to upload pics (been there, done that - check it off the list), etc.
Am also in the process of starting a SnB or meetup for Knitters locally, as there doesn't seem to be any groups but there are a number of LYS, so SOMEONE must be out there knitting. Kids are away in AC for the weekend, so I have a HUGE to-do list before we head down to LBI next Saturday.
Crap. Seems I deleted my first post as I posted this one......I did mention something about learning the ropes.....lesson learned.
The bag looks great! I would recommend gromets or eyelets for the the holes where the straps go through. I realized the other day that my beloved felted bag - the one I carry everywhere and stuff with way too much stuff - is starting to rip at the strap holes. I'm hoping I can still gromet them and nothing will be lost.
Good luck with your blog!
I love your bag. It's really beautiful. I have a serious addiction to felted bags;)
Good luck with the blog, it's always a little rocky at first but soon it becomes second nature.
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