Felting Frenzy

I LOVE FELTING! Lest you think I'm not doing anything (knitting-wise), I offer this picture. I am in the middle of a full blown felting frenzy that can only be satisfied by small , quick projects that knit up fast so I can toss them in the magic felting bag and sit with bated breath by the washer. I am fascinated by what happens to a plain piece of knitted fabric when it gets into hot water with my old "felting jeans". Nothing fancy for me. I usually use Cascade, but am finding that Paton Classic Wool does a wonderful job of felting, is cheaper and readily available at the local Michael's should I run out of a certain color. Colors available are limited tho'. I used #8's or 10's, whatever I have that isn't in use for another project.

So...it's into the magic felting bag (a net bag for washing ligerie in a former life) and into my washing machine. This is an old twin washer/dryer that was here when I rented the house. It is in my front coat closet and this is as far back as I could get to photograph it as the hall is narrow. I set it for a small load, hot wash, cold rinse, short cycle. I throw the bag in with an old pair of jeans, a shot of detergent and let 'er rip. Sometimes, with the Cascade, I need to run it for 2 cycles. When it's felted to my liking, I stretch it to shape and let it dry, usually on top of the washer. I have used a rice pilaf box in a plastic bag as a formto get a square bottom. So simple, so satisfying.
In the above photo: The 'watermelon bag'-waiting for a strap and maybe a snap. The black and blue clutch needs some sort of closure-maybe a big, funky button. The small bag is for my iPod and only needs a strap. The bumblebee clutch needs something but I'm not sure what yet. (See August 13 for the before shot.) Another pouch waiting for a strap. The black bag with leaves is waiting for cherries, for which I am trying several versions, and a strap. The Brown (very dark in this picture) bag was made to experiment with needle felting designs with Annet, the Enabler.
I have perfected I-cord, I-cord bind off and applied I-cord. I am a Felt Fanatic!